Monday, October 12, 2009

Organization is my "Middle Name"

I love anything that has to do with organizatin. I enjoy it so much! Being a homeschool mother of three, I believe organization has to be a top priority to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished throughout your day and throughout your school year. The past couple of months, I have attended several homeschooling conferences to learn the system. I will remind you that this is my first year and I love it! I love it because the Lord gave me such a love to embrace His will for my life. Romans 8:28 "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him." And oh how I love to see Him at work....

One conference I attended, was the Maxwell conference (Steven and Teri Maxwell), an amazing family of eight children. The family has written a lot of books that offer wonderful knowledge to homeschool families. The first book I read of their's, is Managers of Their Homes. It comes with a day-by-day calendar time slot that you laminate and post where it is visible to the entire family to see and read. Then, you are given colored pages (a different color for each family member except for dad) and 30 minute and 1 hour time slots to fill in for each child. You are able to plan your entire day-bible study, family time, chore time, grocery time, all the things that require of you each day. I finally finished mine today. It takes lots of planning to time every minute of every day.

I posted mine in my hallway visible for everyone to read. It is also good, if I should be away, which I never am, but should I be away, the loving person watching my children while be able to see how our day looks. Another little note, you are able to move the boxes around if you want to add something different to your day. That is the nice feature!

"My times are in thy hand..." Psalm 31:15
"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." Proverbs 16:3

Next, Managers of Their Chores, by Steven and Teri Maxwell is my next book that that I am currently reading, but have already started the Chorepack system with my girls. I was too excited to wait!

The book gives step-by-step instructions to make each individual card for each child. So, each child is given a clip on pack(just like a name tag) with their chores listed #1-how ever many you decide each child is capable of, with their name and if it is daily morning/daily afternoon/or daily evening. My chore packs that I created, are for only daily morning and daily evening. So, I created different chores for morning and evening. The girls get so excited to have their chore packs clipped onto their pj's in the morning and love completing them. The packs cannot be turned in until completion.

Next, is my Sue Patrick workbox system. I had the priviledge of attending one of her conferences back in August and immediately started the next day with my children. All three do the system. My oldest who is 7, my middle child who is a month shy of 5, and my youngest who just turned 3. It works for all three girls. I totally reccommed it for any of you who homeschool. Each child is given 12 boxes each, labeled 1-12 with velcro. Then, the child is given this when entering school time:

The child matches the number to the box and velcro's it to the box. The system, you work from left to right. Once the materials in the box have been completed, then the box is then put into a large tub. They see the work disappearing and if you have to stop in your day, for a chore, snack, rest time, whatever, you come back knowing exactly where you left off and the other kids are not constantly waiting on you to figure out what comes next. Amazing and IT WORKS!!!

The above picture is a ticket they receive uponing entering school time (almost like a check in clock, but they love it!) in the morning, the ticket goes into beginning school and once they have completed their work, it goes into the finished homeschool envelope. All of this, comes with the kit you can simply order from her website, (I believe) I will have to look at my book. Love, Love, Love it!!!!!

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